Project „ANIMAZE“ - Design furniture for a nursery school:
Glue-laminated curved parts composed of 5 layers of Bendywood®-beech each
Material requirements and working procedure:
- 20 pcs. fine-cut veneer REC-A-3 in Bendywood®-beech; 2 m long, 300 mm wide and 3 mm thick
- 5 pcs. fine-cut veneer REC-A-3 in Bendywood®-beech; 1,8 m long, 300 mm wide and 3 mm thick
- 5 pcs. fine-cut veneer REC-A-3 in Bendywood®-beech; 0,7 m long, 300 mm wide and 3 mm thick
Total cost of material: about 1.300 euros.
Five different bending moulds, cut out with a CNC-router, each composed of an inner form as well as a multi-part outer form for bending, pressing and glueing the 5 layers of Bendywood® together.
In order to enhance the stability of the bend the 5 layers are cut to the requested width first and then bent around the moulds without any glue, kept in this postion using clamps for about 24 hours. Then a polyurethane glue with a long opening time is used to glue the 5 layers together in the bending mould (pay attention to neat butt joints!), pressing them firmly until the glue has hardened.
Finally the whole 5-layers-component can be taken off the mould and finished.
Project: Animaze
Designer: Ekaterina Shchetina
Art director: Antonella Andriani